AGES 3 - 5
The responsibility of the Committee on Preschool Education (CPSE) is to determine if students ages 3 - 5 are eligible for special education or related services. If you have concerns regarding your child's development, please contact Stacey Clark, CPSE Chair. (607) 869-9636 x3313 or
CPSE Meeting to Determine Eligibility
Recommendations / Implementation of the IEP
Annual Review - within one calendar year
To begin the referral process, the parent must submit their referral to the district in writing. CPSE referrals can come from:
Early Intervention (EI) providers
Preschool teachers
Daycare Providers
Once the written referral is received:
District contacts parent
District explains the Process
Areas of concern are discussed
District and parent agree on evaluations needed, all students must have a psychological evaluation
Parent receives CPSE referral packet including:
Prior Written Notice – purpose and description of recommendation with consent
Approved List of Evaluators – with consent
Social History Packet – must be returned
NYS Parent’s Rights
NYS Procedural Safeguards
**Consents and Social History must be returned for the CPSE process to continue
Upon receipt of signed consents and Social History, the district has 60 calendar days to have the evaluations completed and to hold the Initial Eligibility Meeting
Consents and Social History sent to Approved Evaluator
Evaluator contacts parent to schedule evaluation
Evaluator must complete observation if student is in current UPK or Headstart program
Evaluations completed
Others as needed – OT, PT, Speech / language, social /emotional, autism, sensory screening etc.
(Eligibility Determined)
The purpose of the meeting is for the Committee to determine if the student is eligible for Special Education or Related Services. The Committee will review the completed evaluations. To be eligible for services a student must have a
33% delay in one developmental area or 25% delay in 2 or more developmental areas
Developmental Areas:
Cognitive Skills
Social / Emotional
Motor Skills
IEP recommendations should begin as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days from the date of recommendation by CPSE
Parents need to sign a Consent for Initial Provision of Special Education Services
Services may not begin until the district receives consent
A CPSE meeting must be held at least once a year to review the student's progress toward goals and to review and revise the student's education program.
Members of the committee include:
Parent(s) of the student
Regular education teacher of the child whenever the child is or may be participating in the regular education environment
Special education teacher of the child or, if appropriate, special education provider of the child
School district representative who is qualified to provide or supervise special education and is knowledgeable about the general curriculum and the availability of preschool special education programs and services and other resources of the school district and the municipality (This person is the Chairperson of the Committee.)
An individual who understands and can talk about the evaluation results and how these results affect instruction (This person may also be the special education teacher/provider, regular education teacher, school psychologist, school district representative or someone that the school district determines has knowledge or special expertise regarding the student.)
Parent member (upon request)
Other people that have knowledge or special expertise regarding the child, including related services personnel as appropriate (as requested by the parent or school district)
A county representative (A certified or licensed preschool representative from the municipality must be notified of scheduled meetings, however, the CPSE meeting can be held whether or not the municipal representative attends.
ADD | ADHD | AT | BIP | CPSE | ESY | FBA | IEP | LRE | OT | PT | SEIT | SLP | ST | SWD |
Attention Deficit Disorder | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder | Assistive Technology | Behavior Intervention Plan | Committee on Preschool Special Education | Extended School Year | Functional Behavioral Assessment | Individualized Education Program | Least Restrictive Environment | Occupational Therapy | Physical Therapy | Special Education Itinerant Teacher | Speech Language Pathologist | Speech Therapy | Student with Disability |