The South Seneca Central School District serves residents in Ovid, Interlaken, Sheldrake, Lodi, Willard, and parts of the towns of Romulus and Hector. It is a busy, welcoming, and beautiful place to work and live!
The devastating fire in Ovid on January 21 is something the community will continue to be recovering from for a long time. For those asking about how to help, this list published by is a great place to start:
Quick Links to Updates
Cedarwood Venue, Trumansburg: Dining for Dollars event, Thursday 1/22, 5 PM – 9 PM; proceeds from wing sales benefit Ovid.
Warming/Charging/Snack Centers
Interlaken Public Library
Lodi Whittier Library
Seneca County House of Concern, Waterloo: 10 AM – 4 PM.
Seneca Community Church, Romulus
Seneca Falls Police Department
Hart Towing & Service LLC, Waterloo: Mon-Fri 9 AM – 5 PM, Sat 9 AM – 12 PM.
Kuneytown Sportsman Club: Wed 1/22 and Thurs 1/23, 4:30 PM – 7 PM.
Violet Wednesday Bakery, Finger Lakes Mall Food Court, Auburn: Wed-Sun 9 AM – 7 PM; drop a donation for a free cup of coffee.
Ashia’s Closet, Seneca Falls: Sat 10 AM – 3 PM; clothing donations only.
Sugar Mama’s Cookies & Confections, Seneca Falls: Thurs & Fri 9 AM – 5:30 PM, Sun 9 AM – 2 PM; free coffee with donations.
Ovid VFW
Waterloo Library and Historical Society
Ithaca Church (609 W. Clinton Street)
VanGalder Family Farm, Alpine, NY: Thurs 9 AM – 3 PM, Fri-Sun 9 AM – 6 PM.
Wally’s Ford, Seneca Falls (2027 Rt 20): Mon-Fri 9 AM – 6 PM, Sat 8 AM – 4 PM.
Edith B. Ford Library (Reopening date/times TBD)
Cedarwood Venue, Trumansburg
Cato Fire Department (2569 E. Main St., Cato, NY 13033): Call (315) 626-2660 to arrange.
Donation Drop-Off Locations
Seneca County House of Concern, Waterloo: 10 AM – 4 PM.
VanGalder Family Farm, Alpine, NY: Thurs 9 AM – 3 PM, Fri-Sun 9 AM – 6 PM.
Resources Available
Ovid Thrift Store: Clothing and available items.
Ashia’s Closet: Clothing, Sat 10 AM – 3 PM.
Family Hope Center: Diapers and baby supplies; call/text for Ovid pick-up Thurs 1/22, 10 AM – 2 PM (315) 789-0708.
Seneca County House of Concern: Food, clothing, and household items.
Ovid Federated Church: Clothing and food.
Big D Auctions & Estate Service: Clothing and household items, call (315) 521-1999.
Seneca County Health Department: N-95 masks, dental kits, safety information at Community Bank (Ovid), Lodi Library, and Interlaken Library.
Kinney Drugs: Medication assistance for displaced individuals.
People’s Baptist Church, Newfield, NY (364 Main St.): 2nd Tues 4 PM – 7 PM, 3rd Sat 8 AM – 12 PM.
Special Donations
A-Verdi Storage Units: Donating two 8’x20′ units to Seneca Falls Police Department and Seneca County Sheriff’s Office by Thurs, 1/23; for clothing, household items, toiletries, and furniture only (no food).
We at school will also be happy to talk about the ways the community is organizing these efforts. Please call one of our main offices so we can connect you to the right people to talk to.
Learn more about the Willard Campus Reuse Project:
Seneca County IDA Highest and Best Use Study
South Seneca County Food Pantries
Stamping out hunger in South Seneca! Local food pantries open and available each week:
Interlaken Reformed Church Main St Interlaken
Open each Friday from 3-6 PM
Lodi Presbyterian Church Rt 414 Lodi
Open each Saturday from 3-5 PM
Ovid Federated Church Main St Ovid
Open each Monday from 10 am - 1PM.
Ovid also has a mobile food truck that comes every other Tuesday with a great deal of fresh food.
The mobile pantry is open to all.