Early Intervention
Serves Students Birth - Age 3

The New York State Early Intervention Program (EIP) is part of the national Early Intervention Program for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families.
Referral Process:
Parents / Guardians who have concerns regarding their child's development should contact the Early Intervention (EIP) office in which they live
After referral, your child will be evaluated by qualified professionals
EIP will help coordinate services for students who are found to be eligible
Development of Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)
6 Month IFSP Review
Transition Plan
Seneca County Health Department
31 Thurber Drive, Suite 1
Waterloo, New York 13165-1660
Main: 315-539-1920
Fax: 315-539-9493
Schuyler County Health Department
Mill Creek Center
106 South Perry Street
Watkins Glen, NY 14891
Main: 607-535-8140
Early Intervention Services
The Early Intervention Program offers a variety of therapeutic and support services to eligible infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families, including:
family education and counseling, home visits, and parent support groups
special instruction
speech pathology and audiology
occupational therapy
physical therapy
psychological services
service coordination
nursing services
nutrition services
social work services
vision services
assistive technology devices and services
Early Intervention (EI) services can help you and your family:
Learn the best ways to care for your child;
Support and promote your child's development; and
Include your child in family and community activities.
Early Intervention services can be provided anywhere in the community where your child typically spends their day, including:
Your home;
Child care center or family day care home that your child attends;
Community/recreational centers, play groups, playgrounds, libraries, or any place parents and young children go for fun and support; and
Early childhood programs and centers, such as Early Head Start.
Cost / Payments
Health insurance, including private insurance and Medicaid, may be used to pay for early intervention services. EIP services must be provided at no cost to you and will not affect your insurance coverage.
Common Acronyms
Early Intervention | Early Intervention Official | Early Intervention Program | Individualized Family Service Plan | Initial Service Coordinator | Multidisciplinary Evaluation | Ongoing Service Coordinator |