Tier 2
Tier 2 is more targeted smaller group support. If a teacher has implemented a Tier 1 Intervention and the data determines a student could benefit from more support, the MTSS team would help determine the best supports to help each individual student reach their goal. Tier 2 is based on determining a specific skill to target, setting a specific outcome goal, implementing an action plan to reach that goal, and monitoring progress while the intervention is implemented. Families are notified when students enter Tier 2 academic supports, also known as RtI, where students begin working in a smaller group with a math, reading or other content specialist. Students may also work on social skills or behavioral skills in small group counseling at a Tier 2 level. Tier 2 interventions typically do not last more than 20 weeks. The MTSS team meets regularly with classroom teachers, the RtI specialists, and school counseling staff to progress monitor and determine if support can be scaled back, another round of Tier 2 with a new goal should be implemented, or if a student may need more individualized support which is known as Tier 3.
Tier 3
Tier 3 are more individualized, intensive, and personalized supports that a small percentage of our population might need to be successful. Following the same flow chart as Tier 2, students will have specific skills they are working on, specific goals they are working toward, and progress monitoring to determine if the intervention is making an impact. They may also have more specialist and possible community involvement providing a more wrap around approach to help support reaching the identified goals.
If a student is not responding to Tier 3 supports, this may be a pathway to a special education evaluation for some students.
The idea for all of these Tiers is to give students the support they need to be successful and to scale back as they gain the skills they need. Movement to different Tiers is supported with data, along with the assurance that everything possible was done to support the student each step of the way. It is a district wide system with common language and processes that allows us to truly meet the individual needs of every student at South Seneca.
Please visit this page for updated resources and information on how MTSS is evolving at South Seneca. If you have any questions about MTSS or its implementation, please reach out to our MTSS Coordinator Laura Rundell. Email: lrundell@southseneca.org