Substance Abuse Awareness and Prevention

Check here often for resources and materials! South Seneca works closely with the Substance Abuse Coalition in Seneca County to provide up-to-date information and resources to keep our community safe.

Rainbow Fentanyl

October 5, 2022

The morning news reaffirms that our efforts in educating Seneca County youth and adults is so very, very important as rainbow fentanyl has been confirmed to be just down the road in Monroe County… and we know that drugs travel the Thruway easily.

 Thank you for your involvement in our Coalition, for helping to educate our community, and for protecting our youth.

 The Coalition provides 5-10 minute training sessions and free Narcan to anyone or group interested.  The overdoses have been non-fatal because those individuals have been saved… 

I am sharing these infographics and our service in hopes that you will share it with all of your parents.  As I am sure you are aware, some students in our area have already been taken to the hospital after consuming cannabis items… longer unsupervised times at home makes it even more important to monitor and secure edibles.  The lock boxes to secure medications and cannabis edibles are available free of charge from the Seneca County Substance Abuse Coalition by contacting 315.539.1135 or

 Note:  Packages marketed like candy are completely UNREGULATED as they are made synthetically – making them even more dangerous as not only do they contain high levels of THC but also lead and other incredibly harmful components (some of which they haven’t even identified yet because they are synthetically made).

 Thank you for your consideration,



Karen Burcroff

Project Director

Seneca County Substance Abuse Coalition

United Way of Seneca County

19 Cayuga Street

Seneca Falls, NY 13148







