Important Notice about South Seneca Tax Bills:
School Property tax bills were sent by our vendor with a printed error. If you paid your school tax bill before 10/30/20, disregard this notice. For those tax payers whose payments are due by 11/30/20, the amount listed on the tax bill does not include the 3% penalty. This penalty amount would still be due if paid after 10/31/20. Anyone who has not paid their bill by October 31 will receive a new bill with the corrected amount due.
Go to www.taxlookup.net for the correct amount after 10/31/20 or call 315-539-1563 to receive a corrected bill.

At its September 28 meeting, the Board of Education reversed its previous decision on participation for athletes in Section V Golf and Cross Country-- athletes may now participate in those seasons. The Board also approved the formation of after school intramurals under the supervision of coaches for soccer and other activities. Organization of intramurals will begin immediately this week.

Special BOE Meeting Monday September 28, 2020 at 6:30pm in the MSHS Auditorium, Ovid.
Attendees should wear a face covering and be prepared to answer screener questions before entering the meeting.

The South Seneca Board of Education will hold a special board meeting on Monday, September 28 at 6:30 p.m. in the MSHS Auditorium in Ovid, for the purpose of discussing fall athletics for students.
Please be reminded that all those who attend will be asked to complete our health screening and must have a measured temperature under 100. Face coverings must be worn at all times while indoors and we ask that attendees maintain proper social distancing when seated in the auditorium.

If you haven't already, download the South Seneca CSD app to keep up with all the latest updates from the district! If you have the app, make sure you go to SETTINGS to turn on notifications and select which groups you need to receive notifications from.

At its September 16 meeting, the South Seneca Board of Education voted not to participate in the fall athletics season this year, in the interests of the health and safety of our students. The board will revisit participation in a winter season at its November meeting.

The classroom doesn't always have to be a classroom :)

Please note: the scheduled early release day has been MOVED to Wednesday, September 23

To comply with the New York State mandate that we do a daily screener for those in the building, South Seneca has partnered with Cayuga Health to make use of their screener tool. Families of students will receive an email from the system directing them to a brief registration process. After that, you will receive an email each day with a unique link to use to complete the screener. Depending on your answers to the 6 daily health screening questions, you get a “green” or “red” status. Green means your child is clear to come in. For more information click this link: https://www.southseneca.org/article/300698?org=south-seneca

Our online health screening process will launch soon. Anyone seeking entry to a school building or school bus will need to complete and pass our online screening process prior to entry. Please ensure that the school has an email address on file for each family so we can contact you. Families will need a way to take students’ temperatures at home, we can provide thermometers to families who need them. Please contact the school for help.

Elementary School families can sign up to receive a free smart thermometer. Text FLUENCYSCHOOL to 900900 to be placed on the waitlist.

Family Navigators have created a video honoring the hard decisions families are making. We know that families are feeling stressed, uncertain, disappointed, and any other host of feelings. View the short video here: https://youtu.be/Yo6s6tfjS-U

We are streaming the reopening presentation live on YouTube tonight, August 18 at 5 p.m. If you have questions you would like answered, send them to SouthSenecaOpen@southseneca.org. Click this link to view the stream: https://youtu.be/BJobva-opVE

We will be streaming the reopening presentations live on YouTube Monday August 17 and Tuesday August 18 at 5 p.m. Click this link to tune in: https://youtu.be/PpLg0InJJww

We want to hear from you! We’ve created an email address to accept questions for next week’s virtual reopening presentations. Please email SouthSenecaOpen@southseneca.org with your questions.

Elementary students do not need to purchase school supplies for the beginning of the school year. They have been bought for everyone by the school already!

South Seneca CSD will be offering three opportunities for parents to see reopening presentations and to ask questions about the plan: WEDNESDAY AUGUST 12, 6:30 p.m. - in-person Board of Education Meeting, MSHS Auditorium, Ovid (please observe social distancing in auditorium seats, and wear face covering if you attend). MONDAY AUGUST 17, 5 - 6 p.m. and TUESDAY AUGUST 18, 5 - 6 p.m. - virtual, Zoom meeting
Links will be posted here: https://www.southseneca.org/o/south-seneca/page/parent-meetings-on-reopening

The August meeting of the Board of Education will take place in the Ovid MSHS Auditorium on Wednesday, August 12, at 6:30pm. Superintendent's report will include the latest updates on September re-opening, with an opportunity for public to be heard. Those attending should wear a face covering and sit socially distanced in our auditorium seating.

South Seneca has submitted preliminary re-opening plans to New York State. Read the plan on our www.southseneca.org website!

If you haven't already, make sure you complete this survey to help us develop our re-opening plans:
Elementary Survey: https://bit.ly/3f6580b
Secondary Survey: https://bit.ly/303KCsI