Important information regarding Winter Athletics and Ski Club
Starting Tuesday December 8th there will be sign-ups for Winter Interscholastic Sports and Extended Day Winter Adventure Activities in the Health Office.
At this time we have no guidance from NYS regarding Winter high risk sports and Indoor Track.
We are conducting sign-ups in the Health Office to see what our potential roster numbers will look like for the following sports teams and programs:
Interscholastic sports
G. Basketball Mod/JV/Var
B. Basketball Mod/JV/Var
Indoor Track Mod/Var
Wrestling Mod/Var
Extended day Winter programs
Ski Club (grades 7-12)
Step 1. Sign up by Friday, December 11 in the nurse’s office.
Step 2. Information will be given to you regarding Bristol Mountain by Mr. Green starting December 14.
Step 3. By Tuesday, December 22 interscholastic sports should have guidance which will allow athletes to make a final decision on skiing. Final registration through Bristol is due on this date.
On-site winter activities (grades 6-8 and grades 9-12)
Activities will go from 2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Transportation home will be available
Activities include broomball, x-country skiing, snow sculpting, curling, and much more.
Your son or daughter should sign up for all programs they may be interested in pending we do not know what NYS will allow on January 4th as far as Interscholastic sports.
If you are a remote student please call the Health office to sign up.
Ex. Student A in interested in Indoor Track and Ski Club- they should sign up for both
As directors for each program, the anticipated numbers from the sign ups will help Ms. Flanders and I plan accordingly. As always thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to work through this very trying time. Creating as many opportunities for our students to be safely engaged is our main goal. Stay tuned for more information to follow.
Thank you,
Mrs. Mott and Ms. Flanders