Let's hear it for these amazing Falcons! Well deserved! #foreverfalcons
Do you know a South Seneca alum who is doing something noteworthy? We'd love to hear about it so that we can feature them.
For more information, visit our new alumni page!
It has been busy in the woodshop recently. Pictured is a Residential Building and Maintenance student Vyvynn Powell learning to solder copper from guest instructor Tom Hayward from UA Local 81 Plumbers, Steamfitters & HVAC/R. Coleton Dresser, who is in CNC, showing off custom signage he made for his dads business. Here's a woodworking student, Josiah Shirk, showing off his bookcase made from repurposed plywood.
There has been a lot of excitement and busy days in Garden Lit and Intro to Agriculture! The month of March brought the hatching of chicks and collecting and processing of maple sap into syrup! Students learned about incubation and were able to enjoy the chicks for about a week in the classroom. Students also learned how to tap a maple tree, collect sap, and boil it down to get maple syrup. They also made pancakes from scratch and enjoyed their maple syrup!
We hope everyone had a great weekend and is ready to have a great Spring Break this week! #foreverfalcons
March Mammal Madness 2023
5th-grade students completed scouting reports on each combatant before carefully considering weaponry, defense, adaptations, and place on the food chain. They combined this information with home habitat advantage to complete their bracket.
Congratulations to Colton for the best bracket! Brody won 2nd, and Mrs. Williamson won 3rd.
March Mammal Madness, celebrates the natural world through an evidence-based, simulated animal tournament played by hundreds of thousands of students annually.
For more information: https://libguides.asu.edu/MarchMammalMadness/MMMultimedia
Put it on your calendars!
Put it on your calendar! #UPK #foreverfalcons
Our Kindergarten artists practiced their skills recently by drawing the classroom fish tank!
Get em while you can!
Get them here:
The code is 13424
Book fair in the Middle/High School Library through Friday. Come check it out!
Take note!
Today was "Fitness Friday" and the last day of our March Madness Student Wellness Spirit Week! Today we celebrated moving our bodies and being active by dressing up like our favorite sport or team. We learned that exercise can help our bodies get stronger, help us feel calmer if we are upset, and help us learn to work together with others to achieve something, like when your in PE or on a sports team.
We ended the day with the 5th grade students and staff working together on their teams during the student/staff basketball game. (More pics of the game and halftime show coming early next week!)
It was an amazing week with awesome participation! Thank you Elementary families for helping your kiddos get in the spirit each day and all those who made this week, and especially today possible-- 4th and 5th grade Student Wellness Committee Members, Mr. McMahon, Mr. Neville, and Mrs. Lutter
Public Notice March 31: A student in the Middle-High School made a statement in class that they “would like to blow up this school.” After consulting with this student and collaborating with law enforcement, it was determined the statement was made without real intent and poses no imminent threat. As always, we encourage parents to be speaking to your children about using this type of language at school. Whether a student means it as a threat or not, the district must treat the words seriously, and bring law enforcement personnel into processing statements that threaten harm. Especially this week as we read about widespread false alarm messages across the state targeting schools, it is more important than ever to discourage these kinds of threats.
For the first time since 2019, we were able to have our annual Middle/High School Pops Concert. This one was purely (Disney) MAGIC! What a show! #foreverfalcons
Thursday was "Relaxation Day" at the elementary and we celebrated in our pajamas and comfy clothes. Relaxation is really important for our Mental Health. Students learned that relaxation means doing certain things to help ourselves feel more calm. Some of those things might be listening to music or finding a quiet space to rest, coloring or reading a book, taking a walk or taking some deep breaths, or maybe getting in pj’s or comfy clothes and watching a movie or playing a game. We can do these things when we feel like we need to calm our bodies or minds down, or we can do them to help prevent ourselves from feeling that way.
Being in pajamas, they also reviewed how important it is to get enough sleep. Sometimes doing something to relax before bed like reading a book can help us fall asleep easier.
Is there anything better than book fair week??
Visit this website for more information:
Today was "Falcons are a family day” at the Elementary with our wellness focus being on emotional health. Students were reminded that one of the best things we can do when we are feeling big emotions is to talk to a trusted adult. Trusted adults can be grown ups in our lives outside of school like our family, and grown ups inside of school like our teachers. Many students dressed up like their favorite one today!
Sometimes at school it can feel like a BIG family because there are so many people who care — teachers, aides, assistants, friends, counselors, the principal, the school police officer, the nurse, the cafeteria staff, the office staff, the custodial staff, the tech staff, the maintenance staff, and the bus drivers. Everywhere you go, there is somebody doing something to help take care of one another.
Today students got a chance to send a thank you message to some of these members of their Falcon family and show off their black and gold Falcon pride! 🖤💛
More fun from the Mad Science Extended Day program! The kids just love building things.
The remaining dress up days for the Elementary Spirt Week are: